Is Sabotkat Defense LLC currently manufacturing firearms?

We are not currently making firearms, and we are attempting to raise funds to purchase the machinery and necessary licenses to begin manufacturing the defense equipment we seek to create. We want to own the means of production, not to be influenced by the “free-market.” We expect that by October 1st, 2026, we will begin manufacturing firearms.

What sort of guns will Sabotkat Defense LLC be making?

We are currently designing three specific firearms, all of which meet the definition of a rifle. The first rifle is modeled after the M3 Submachine Gun, better known as the Grease Gun, but will be aesthetically modern, semiautomatic, and chambered in 45mm. The second is modeled after John Brown’s 1856 Sharps Sporting Percussion Rifle but will be aesthetically modern, bolt action, and chambered in 5.56mm. The third is modeled after the M2 STEN, better known as the Sten Gun, but will be aesthetically modern, semiautomatic, and chambered in 45mm. We will not be manufacturing handguns, and we have no intention ever to do so.

Will Sabotkat Defense LLC be making any AR15 style firearms?

No. It’s not that we hate the AR15; we just recognize that the AR15 is produced by a plethora of manufacturers who do a swell job, and we are not interested in adding to that pool.

How does Sabotkat Defense LLC expect to keep their firearms out of the hands of violent persons?

We have put a great deal of thought into this question because this has been something we have thought about since the inception of Sabotkat Defense LLC. Once we can afford one, we will discuss this topic with our lawyers to see what measures we can take to ensure our products only go to responsible individuals who can legally own firearms. Until then, we have some methods in mind but have not decided on utilizing them. This topic is paramount to us, and rest assured that we will not sell firearms until we go above and beyond the laws of the United States to keep guns away from persons who seek to do ill with them.

Will Sabotkat Defense LLC by offering California-compliant firearms?

We will. Californians make up almost 10% of the population of the United States population. We will do everything in our power to ensure Californians can utilize their Second Amendment privilege within the limits of their state laws.

Will Sabotkat Defense LLC offer a warranty on their firearms?

Every firearm we manufacture will come equipped with a warranty that covers the weapon system in perpetuity so long as it has not been modified. The warranty follows the firearm, not the purchaser.

What is a worker’s cooperative, and how will Sabotkat Defense LLC operate?

A worker’s cooperative is an endeavor that is owned and self-managed by its workers. This control gives all power to the workers within the realm of decision-making in a democratic fashion. At Sabotkat Defense LLC, we take this concept to an extreme. Each member of our company makes an equal share of the profits, meaning that everyone makes the same amount of money. The hiring and firing process is relatively simple in that the majority of the company votes on individuals. One person equals one vote no matter what.

Is Sabotkat Defense LLC a partisan business? Do you support any political candidates or political parties?

We are a non-partisan worker’s cooperative. While we admit that our affections lie with marginalized communities commonly found in socialist circles, we do not advocate or endorse any politician or political party. We utilize political hashtags on social media to present our company to a wide variety of people; however, this is not an endorsement of any kind.

I want to invest in and support Sabotkat Defense LLC! How can I start?

We do not, nor will we ever, allow investors or shareholders of any kind. We utilize our drop-shipping sales profit and personal discretionary income to fund our company without puncturing the corporate veil. Right now, you can invest in our company by following a social media page on Instagram, standing in solidarity with workers everywhere, and taking part in community mutual aid.

I would like to advertise on; how do I go about that?

We do not allow advertisements on our website; however, we will voice our unpaid support for any company that partakes in all of the following: pays their workers a living wage, allows unionization, provides benefits to their workers, participates in workplace safety programs, has an impeccable equal opportunity program, and has no violations of workers rights.